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PG Diploma Courses Under MAKAUT

PG diploma courses of IJIRA

IJIRA has launched PG diploma courses under curriculum of MAKAUT, W.B. for the benefit of jute Industry. The genesis of courses is to help industry in modernization by the following ways-

Improved productivity & quality

  • Reduced workload on HR department
  • Reduced workload on HR department
  • Better control on cost of production
  • Transparency in the manufacturing activities in the different shifts

How are PG Diploma Courses Beneficial to the student?

  • Open out new avenues for student in the field of automation / Instrumentation
  • Improved job opportunities


 Course I: Technology and Automation of Jute Fiber Processing

Course II: Maintenance of Jute Fiber Processing Machinery and its Automation Systems


Affiliated by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT)


Certified Courses*Jute Fibre Processing & Instrumentation (Course I)Jute Mill Maintenance & Instrumentation (Course II)
No of students / Batch1010
Course Fee (In Lakh)1.001.00
Admission ProcessEntrance exam and merit based
Duration of courseone year (two semesters)
LevelPost Graduation
EligibilityGraduation Students need to pass graduation under any registered University with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as main subjects with 50% or above marks.
* Affiliated by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT)


Course I: Technology and Automation of Jute Fiber Processing
First Semester
Sl. No.Module TitleTheory
Module 1Introduction to Industrial Control and Automation Systems752525
Module 2Basics of Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics752525
Module 3Sensors and Actuators used in Jute Machinery752525
Second Semester
Sl. No.Module TitleTheory
Total Marks
Module 4 Jute Yarn Manufacturing752525
Module 5Jute Fabric Manufacturing752525
Module 6Project on Industrial application related to automation in material handling, Jute / Textile processing752525


  1. Knowledge about jute mill machinery maintenance and scope of improvisation
  2. Identification of different segments where instrumentation, automation can be applied
  3. Initiate modernisation of the jute industry in true sense, which is the main focus of the Government


Course II: Maintenance of Jute Fiber Processing Machinery and its Automation Systems
First Semester
Sl. No.Module TitleTheory
Module 1Introduction to Industrial Control and Automation Systems752525
Module 2Basics of Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics752525
Module 3Sensors and Actuators used in Jute Machinery752525
Second Semester
Sl. No.Module TitleTheory
Total Marks
Module 4 Jute Fibre Process Machinery752525
Module 5Maintenance Management for Jute Mill Machinery752525
Module 6Project on Industrial application related to automation in material handling, Jute / Textile processing752525


  • Knowledge about jute mill machinery maintenance and scope of improvisation
  • Identification of different segments where instrumentation, automation can be applied and their maintenance

How are Post Graduate Diploma Courses Beneficial to the industry?

Students will acquire knowledge on process automation with precision and control and it is envisaged that the creative fresh minds will work on new machine designs and development for better productivity and quality output in jute industry. After the course, they can be absorbed in jute industry, machine manufacturer etc.

These courses will give a base for further study and research programs in respective subjects also

Apply Now

Apply through E-mail [Click to apply]

Enquiry: +91 89069 08459

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