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Biochemical solution for softening of hard jute/root cuttings for gainful utilization

In Short:

A formulation for hard root softening of jute has been developed by IJIRA based on a root softening bacterium (Pseudomonas sp.) and two growth enhancers: carbon containing and nitrogen containing. The advantages of this formulation are-

In Detail:

With the escalating price of raw jute, gainful utilization of such hard root ends of jute and their incorporation in higher percentage in finer quality batch mix require special attention. The present industrial practice pertaining to softening of hard root cuttings is done by way of applying oil-in-water emulsion in Softener machine followed by piling for considerably long duration. Subsequently softened jute roots are utilized in batch mix to spin average quality yarn. It is important to monitor the pile of root ends so that over piling resulting in weakening of fibres can be avoided.
Considering the above fact, IJIRA has developed a cost effective, easy to use, emulsion compatible biochemical formulation for softening of hard root cuttings of jute so that the same can be used in higher batch for spinning finer quality jute yarns. The biochemical solution chiefly consists of lignolytic bacteria, Pseudomonas sp., which is responsible for the softening of hard barky (lignin-rich) portions of jute fibre through its enzymatic activity. The synergistic activity of the bacteria and the growth promoters result in reducing the flexural rigidity of the hard jute fibres/root cuttings which improves the spinning potential of the same. The technology has been found to be effective for softening the hard root cuttings.Gradually, with the time and with increasing adaptability of the technology in different jute mills in last couple of years, the process of application of Biochemical formulation has found other useful end-uses. The technology, once developed for application on root cuttings only, has been extrapolated to applications in uncut (root end not cut) jute either through direct application of biochemical solution along with emulsion at Spreader or through differential application where first biochemical solution is being applied at root ends followed by emulsion application at Spreader in normal procedure.
Recently, IJIRA has also developed biochemical formulation in dry powder form for root cuttings and hard jute fibre to eliminate transportation and storage problem at user end.

Commercialization Status:

This innovation has already been commercialized at more than 20 jute mills. 5 jute mills have taken technology transfer and license for production of biochemical solution for root/hard jute softening.


The patent for this technology is under process (Patent Application No. 201831038353). Also, one paper has been published in journal of Natural Fibres in December 2021 (DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2021.2009393).

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Sam S. Guerrero
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