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Morah Weight Control and Monitoring System

In Short:

IJIRA has developed a Morah Weight Control and Monitoring System
to get entire details of jute morah weight in Jute barrow or palate. All details of morah weight distribution will be available including average morah weight, CV % etc. This system has an inbuilt controller with three different light indicators to keep the morah maker aware about the weight of each morah prepared by him.

In Detail:

Raw jute morahs are the initial jute reed (i.e. fibre) bundles or units which are prepared manually at batching section. Basically, this is the section which controls the product regularity by controlling the morah weight variation. It was found in IJIRA studies that mill can achieve 4 to 5 % higher Quality Ratio of jute yarn by controlling morah weight and feeding rate at spreader machine.
IJIRA has developed a system where the morah maker can understand whether the weight of morah is within normal range or not. A Red (for heavy), Green (for normal weight) and yellow (for lighter) light continuously indicate the morah weight to the worker just after putting the morah on barrow. So the worker can set its idea about accurate morah weight after preparing few jute morahs
A sample morah weight report is given below for better understanding:

Commercialization Status:

This technology has been adopted by 3-4 mills.


The patent for this technology is under process (Patent Application No. 201831038353). Also, one paper has been published in journal of Natural Fibres in December 2021 (DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2021.2009393).

Building Gatsby Custom Range Input That Looks Consistent Across All Browsers

Sam S. Guerrero
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